from Bari, to Villa Vigoni, to Europe and beyond
As scholars working in the humanities we are committed to the values from which our disciplines stem and are aware of our responsibility in ensuring that the societies we live in respect and implement these principles. We believe that it is our responsibility, as scholars and citizens of Europe, to do so.
It is our belief that universities cannot operate as isolated institutions disconnected from the material, social, economic and political events of the now: our institutions are not only rooted in territorial moorings, they have been through history, and shall continue to be pivotal places for the sharing and spreading of knowledge.
We are convinced that teaching and research are an integral part of the education – in the broadest sense of the term – of our postcolonial societies, and our intellectual practices do not disregard, nor can ignore, the practices of cultural, social and political life of the specific place we inhabit.
The rise of clannish/racist sentiments and of populist/sovranist impulses in many European countries, accompanied by a violent backlash against women’s rights, feminist activism and gender issues, take us back to a not so distant past and force us to remember that indifference is never harmless and that inaction can be as dangerous as action. This also encourages us to remember that cultural work offers the possibilities of critical thinking, of doubting, and even of thinking and acting against the grain wherever and whenever it becomes necessary.
It is our commitment, therefore, to be present and intervene with our students and in public debates to openly discuss racism, migration, diversity, the waning of liberal humanism and the shrinking of human rights in general, among the many questions that concern life in common.
We are also committed to asking that our universities be open and welcoming places that offer cultural exchanges with immigrants and with activists and associations that work daily to make our societies more hospitable. Also, we ask that our universities offer spaces for intercultural meetings, seminars, teaching and research activities that seriously and honestly address urgent issues that political propaganda subtracts from critical thinking.
Finally, it is our commitment that the University as institution is always a place of critical training and debate, of encounters and forward-looking cultural practices, which can never be separated from power relations, and therefore from political issues.
I see this MANIFESTO as a call for translating academic knowledge into “acts of citizenship”.
It is the result of a long-distance collaboration between the members of AISCLI (Associazione Italiana per lo Studio delle Culture e Letterature in lingua Inglese) who gathered at the University of Bari in February 2019, and a wide network of postcolonial scholars who took part in the “Citizenship, Law and Literature” workshop at Villa Vigoni (Loveno di Menaggio, Como) in March 2019.
At Villa Vigoni we shared the original Italian document proposed by our AISCLI colleagues Marta Cariello and Luigi Cazzato; we translated and reworked it, having shared a set of preoccupations concerning the way contemporary European societies are moving, as well as our trust in the role academic institutions and the humanities can still play in keeping democracy and freedom in view.
As academics, we should work to develop joint agendas for public engagement, which, for academic institutions, means a concrete effort to open up the university and share knowledge beyond its walls, with society at large; it also means to devote time and energy to engaging the legal, the economic, the political in closer dialogue, locally, nationally and transnationally.
We are sending out this MANIFESTO as a message in a bottle, hoping it may reach as many people as possible. We ask all who read and agree with its contents to sign and disseminate it widely through their own networks, institutions, associations, and in their academic environment.
This is no time for inaction or silence, thank you.
Annalisa Oboe
Director of the postcolonialitalia project
From the European South
a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities
The signatories of the Villa Vigoni Manifesto
Avtar Brah, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Annalisa Oboe, University of Padova, Italy
Chandani Lokuge, Monash University, Australia
Daniela Carpi, University of Verona, Italy
Elisa Bordin, Università di Padova, Italy
Enrica Rigo, Università RomaTre, Italy
Françoise Kral, Université Paris Nanterre, France
Jesper Reddig, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Muenster, Germany
Katia Sarkowsky, University of Augsburg, Germany
Klaus Stierstorfer, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität., Muenster, Germany
Laura Zander, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
Nilufer Bharucha, University of Mumbai, India
Sridhar Rajeswaran, CASII, Centre for Advanced Studies, India
Valentina Adami, University of Verona, Italy
Please see below the Call for applications for
Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio (CO), Italy, 25-28 March, 2019
Coordinators: Prof. Annalisa Oboe (Padua) and Prof. Klaus Stierstorfer (Muenster)
Deadline: 8 February, 2019
Best wishes,
Annalisa Oboe and Klaus Stierstorfer
Università di Padova
Aula terzo piano via Beldomandi, 14.30-16.00
partecipiamo a
Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Università di Padova
in collaborazione con postcolonialitalia
Università di Bologna
incontro con
ore 15.00
Sala Bortolami, Palazzo Jonoch Gulinelli (1° piano)
Via del Vescovado, 30 Padova
Aula F, Palazzo Maldura, Padova
3 giugno 2015, ore 14.30 - 19.00
4 giugno 2015, ore 9.00 - 13.30
partecipiamo a
organizzato dalla Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori
Aula Magna del Collegio Morgagni, Via San Massimo 33, Padova
a talk by Annalisa Oboe
presented by
Contemporary Culture and Creative Production Concentration and
Identities and Representations Concentration and
Global Cultures Committee in Global Liberal Studies,
New York University
"Postcoloniale e revisione dei saperi": da postcolonialitalia ad aut aut
Nell'ultimo numero di aut aut (364, ottobre-dicembre 2014) è uscita una raccolta di interventi dal titolo "Postcoloniale e revisione dei saperi", che fa seguito al workshop postcolonialitalia su "Gli studi postcoloniali nelle scienze umane: teorie, storie, metodi e pratiche italiane" (6 dicembre 2013).
Annalisa Oboe Saperi in transito
Iain Chambers La sfida postcoloniale, l'Italia e il Mediterraneo
Roberto Derobertis La critica italiana tra narrazioni, pratiche sociali e culturali
Emanuele Zinato Teoria e critica della letteratura in Italia: sollecitazioni e rischi postcoloniali
Davide Zoletto Verso una rilettura postcoloniale dei luoghi dell'educazione
Farah Polato Il cinema, il postcoloniale e il nuovo millennio nel panorama italiano
Roberto Beneduce Il rumore sordo del sottosuolo. Per un'antropologia postcoloniale
Per ogni altra informazione e per leggere un'anteprima:
Per una recensione dettagliata, si veda JOMEC Journal su "Italian Cultural Studies. Being on the Part of the Future" (8, Nov. 2015):
Università degli Studi di Padova
partecipiamo a
Università di Padova
via del Vescovado 30, Sala Bortolami, 9.30 – 18.30
partecipiamo a
Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
via dei Volsci 122, aula A, ore 9.30
Padova, Spazio Co+, Piazza Gasparotto 7, ore 18.30
Palazzo Liviano, Aula Diano, ore 10.00 – 17.00
Università di Padova
partecipiamo a
Palazzo Ugolini, aula B
Università di Macerata
partecipiamo a
Centre for Postcolonial Studies
(the University of Kent, Canterbury)
partecipiamo a
due incontri con il regista Fred Kuwornu
segnaliamo l'incontro
con Carlo Borgomeo e Gian Antonio Stella
Palazzo Liviano, aula Diano, ore 14.30 – 19.00
Università di Padova
Iain Chambers (Napoli l'Orientale), Annalisa Oboe (Padova), Roberto Beneduce (Torino), Anna Scacchi (Padova), Roberto Derobertis (Bari), Emanuele Zinato (Padova), Carmen Concilio (Torino), Farah Polato (Padova), Leonardo De Franceschi (Roma Tre), Giangiorgio Pasqualotto (Padova), Shaul Bassi (Ca' Foscari), Tania Rossetto (Padova), Davide Zoletto (Udine), Marcello Ghilardi (Padova), Sandro Mezzadra (Bologna), Giangiorgio Pasqualotto (Padova), Giulia D'Agostini (Padova), Adone Brandalise (Padova)
Palazzo Liviano, aula S, ore 14.30
Università di Padova
© 2013-2019 postcolonialitalia | ISSN 2421-7425