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Roberto Beneduce is an anthropologist and ethno-psychiatrist. He has taught Medical and Psychological Anthropology at the University of Turin since 2000. He has conducted fieldwork in Subsaharan Africa (Mali, Cameroon, DRC, Eritrea, Mozambique), researching the transformation of healing practices, religious imaginaries, and the social consequences of violence and war. Since 1996 he has practiced ethnopsychotherapy at the Turin Franz Fanon Center, of which he is the founding member and head. He received his MD and psychiatric specialization from the University of Naples, and his anthropology degree from the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. His current research focuses on issues of migration and refugees, postcolonial studies, social violence, and psychic suffering in Europe and West Africa.

His works include: Corpi e saperi indocili. Guarigione, stregoneria e potere in Camerun (Bollati Boringhieri, 2010); Archeologie del trauma. Un'antropologia del sottosuolo (Laterza, 2010); the edited volume Frantz Fanon, Decolonizzare la follia. Scritti sulla psichiatria coloniale (ombre corte, 2011); "Undocumented bodies, burned identities. Refugees, sans papiers, harraga: when things fall apart" (Soc. Sci Information, 2008); "La vie psychique de l'histoire. Frantz Fanon et le temps fracturé de la mémoire" (L'Autre, 2012); "Un imaginaire qui tue. Réflexions sur sorcellerie, violence et pouvoir (Cameroun et Mali)" (in B. Martinelli and J. Bouju eds., Violence et sorcellerie en Afrique, Karthala, 2012); and, with S. Taliani, "Les archives introuvables. Technologie de la citoyenneté, bureaucratie et migration" (in B. Hibou ed., La bureaucratie neolibérale, La Découverte, 2013).
